Introduction to Architecture and Environment

Teaching Assistant

Spring 2024, Department of History of Art and Architecture at UCSB

Architecture is an act of place-making through which humans have constructed their relation with nature. Introduces the history of these strategies of place-making, interpretative concepts, and discipline-specific terminology in order to develop a critical understanding of the relationship between nature and built form.

Introduction to Media Arts

Teaching Assistant

Summer 2023, Department of Media Arts and Technology at UCSB

An introduction to the concepts and practice of creative computing. The course investigates the digital arts field with an emphasis on technological developments and their integration in art production, delivered through p5js sketches.

Introduction to Cinema

Teaching Assistant

Spring 2023, Department of Film and Media Studies at UCSB

An introduction to the basic concepts of film analysis, that is, on a close examination of the texture of a film: its form, style, and narrative. Topics include genre, space and time, perception manipulation, etc.

Playful Spaces: History of Games

Teaching Assistant

Summer 2023, Department of History of Art and Architecture at UCSB

Fall 2023, Department of History of Art and Architecture at UCSB

An introduction to the history of games. Investigation on games and the social, political, and economic conditions that support them, as well as the interface between the human player and the imagined world of the game. Taking as its premise that games are artifacts of culture, this course focuses on the visual and spatial practice of games in social context.
Students also collaborated on a 3-week board game design project under the theme of “control”.

Introduction to Video Game Development

Teaching Assistant

Fall 2022, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at UCSB

Gaucho Game Lab, directed by Pradeep Sen

A senior-level project-based course focused on “large system” software development. Student projects are self-defined and motivated through discussions and critiques, ranging from first-person shooting, third-person action/adventure, strategy, multiplayer Co-Op and puzzle games. Student works will be ready for public release at the end of the course.